
Tips for Choosing the Right Adult Toys

When it comes to choosing sex toys, the options are endless. There are vibrators, dildos, clit-suckers, and more.

Consider your specific reason for buying a toy and what sensations you enjoy. Will you be using it solo or with a partner?

Determine if you want to target your anus or vagina, and decide what size, shape, and texture preferences you have.


The material used to make sex toys can have a profound effect on your experience. You should know what is safe to play with and what might be dangerous. For example, a toy made of porous materials may harbor bacteria and can cause an allergic reaction.

Many adult toys from Adam & Eve are made of various materials, including glass, metal, and silicone. The most trustworthy sex toy manufacturers will list the material in the product’s description and website. Low-grade versions of quality materials like glass and metal can break or splinter. They also may leach chemicals or cause an allergic reaction, especially if they contain nickel.

A good rule of thumb is to avoid any toy that contains polyvinyl chloride, PVC, and phthalates. Phthalates are industrial chemicals that can enter the body through inhalation or genital penetration. Instead, look for a toy made of medical-grade or food-grade silicone or stainless steel. These are inert materials that won’t leak chemicals or harbor bacteria. They are also easier to sanitize. The same is true for smooth wood, which can have a similar feel to glass or metal.


Whether shopping for yourself or a partner, choose a comfortable size. If you are new to pleasure toys, start with something smaller. A classic vibrator that can be inserted, used clitorally, or used with a partner will be the best place to begin.

It would help if you also considered the shape. Many sex toys are designed to be shaped to fit inside the vagina or anus. Some are even a little sexy, with features like ticklers or bunny ears. However, not all shapes feel good or provide the same sensations.

Finally, if you’re not familiar with the different types of sex toys out there, ask an expert or shop at a sex store that carries a variety of products. The staff at these places should be able to provide you with detailed information on the materials and safety standards of their toys. In addition, they may be able to suggest other ways to use a particular toy for increased pleasure. And, of course, all sex toys should be washed with warm water and soap after every use.


When walking into a brick-and-mortar sex shop, staring at the wall-to-wall selection of feathers, whips, and Clone-a-Willies can be overwhelming. This is especially true if you don’t have an adult toy in mind or know how to use one.

The good news is that there are toys specifically designed to help you find the right sensations. From vibrators to prostate massagers, these toys are meticulously crafted to cater to male desires and stimulate different erogenous zones. Whether used for solo enjoyment or during partnered play, they empower men to explore their fantasies and discover new dimensions of pleasure in a consensual way.

Of course, the physical shape of a toy can also have an impact. Sex toy review site Hey Epiphora, basically the Ars Technica or Wirecutter of sex toys, has an entire section dedicated to highlighting some of the more strange sex toy user interfaces, ranging from buttons that are hard to push “in your vagina” to a split dildo that’s almost impossible to hold in one hand. These are all things to consider before you decide on a specific design.


Walking into a brick-and-mortar sex shop can be intimidating, and the wall-to-wall selection of erotic toys can make finding a suitable toy seem impossible. But if you know what you’re looking for, it can be easier to narrow down your options.

For example, if you have a clitoral horn fetish and want something that’s both stimulating and orgasmic, consider the option that looks like a mascara tube but has six different speeds and vibration patterns. Alternatively, you can try the SILA Cruise, which spreads equal intensity across the entire clitoris and has a long battery life for two-hour pleasure sessions.

Remember, all sex toys should be used sparingly and washed with mild soap and water after every use. You can also buy sex toy cleaners, especially for items that go into intimate parts of your body, such as dildos and anal plugs. Washing your toys frequently can help prevent bacteria growth and minimize STIs, but always check the manufacturer’s instructions for care before using. If you’re sharing your toy with a partner, always put condoms on before the toy touches each other’s genitals to reduce the risk of infection.


Sex toys are expensive to produce, so stores need to keep prices low. They can do this by offering discounts, packages, and free shipping. They can also promote their products through social media and email marketing campaigns. In addition, they can offer discreet packaging and payment options. They should also provide a comfortable shopping environment and friendly customer service.

Another challenge for sex toy retailers is the regulations that they must comply with. These include laws on advertising, labeling, and selling sex toys. They should be aware of these laws and seek legal counsel when needed.

Online sex toy stores can use digital marketing strategies to attract potential customers. These can include writing articles, blog posts, or ebooks about sex toys and their use. They can also host contests and giveaways to encourage engagement with their brand. They can also partner with local sex education events to increase visibility and generate word-of-mouth marketing. Finally, they can use pay-per-click advertising to drive traffic and sales. They can even hire a professional sex toy marketing agency to help them achieve their goals.

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